To keep up to date on auto insurance issues for physiotherapists in Alberta, follow this helpful Instagram account: Alberta_MVA_Tips
Here is a quick visual summary of the 3 regulations that apply to auto insurance claims, and the key things for a physiotherapist to know:
Here is a graphic showing the disparity between the minor injury "cap" and the fees the government has prescribed for treatment since 2004. Note that there has been no increase in fees that physiotherapists are permitted to charge for DTPR care since 2013.
The superintendent of insurance has the right, as part of the regulations, to set whatever fees he or she thinks is reasonable for the treatment physiotherapists provide. As you can see, increases were made every few years until 2013. Since then, in spite of repeated requests as to why, the government has failed to adjust fees to account for inflation.
Here is the contact information for the Compliance Officer in the office of the Superintendent of Insurance (as of December 2024). Contact this person if you have issues with an insurer failing to comply with regulations (refusing to pay for treatment, failing to pay within the prescribed timelines)
Sarah Milenbach
Senior Compliance Officer I Insurance Regulations and Market Conduct Treasury Board and Finance I Financial Sector Regulation and Policy
Government of Alberta
Tel 780-415-2090
Fax 780-420-0752
If you find the process of completing an AB2 form time-consuming, this 7 minute video will give you some tips to make it easier.